3.1.22 & 3.6.22
The following message was received on March 1, 2022, from a dear friend, a pastor and Ministry partner in Dnipro, Ukraine, who has remained at his church, offering aid to those who pass through as they evacuate to Western Ukraine.
Greetings, Brother Bill! Greetings to all READ Services! Praise our Lord for trusting us to live in this time. A time when we can understand the value of LIFE more than ever! Thank God for your open hearts. I hope you have information about the situation in Ukraine. I will write about the events in the Dnieper. The city is preparing to meet unwanted guests.
The format of our lives and ministry is changing. Many believers leave, especially with young children. But many such families remain. Families have from 3 to 10 small children. The Lord gave them the opportunity to help. And also to help the needy.
Thank you for your help in securing and repairing our car. It was very appropriate. I would like to ask for your consent to use the funds ($ 2,000) for the purchase of products and other means necessary for the needy. It is possible that we will use these funds now, and then we will return them to the book fund, after the victory with God's help. We pray for this. We already have some problems with food and fuel today.
We live and serve in the realities of events, trusting in God. He will allow it. Certainly preaching the Truth.
Thank you for everything. I am waiting for your decision.
In brotherly love, Victor.
The next update was received Sunday afternoon, March 6.
Praise God that your prayers and monies are effective. May God bless you for praying and partnering.
"Glory to Jesus Christ! He is our hope and our protection! Thank God we are alive and well. Today there was a service in the Church and we had the Lord's Supper.
Praise the Savior. Thank God, and thanks to your help, several large families received food aid and help with fuel for cars evacuating children to Western Ukraine. They also stocked up on food. There is a shortage of food in shops and warehouses. The situation with food and fuel is particularly tense in villages and small towns. We try to reach them. In our region there is such an opportunity, the roads are open. We meet those who leave Kharkiv and other cities. We help what we can. We thank God for trusting in serving Him and His children.
Sirens sound in the city of Dnieper, but the city is not fired upon. We believe God protects. As priests in the Kingdom of God repent for the sins of our people, we ask the Lord for His mercy and protection. We have no fear, thank you, Jesus! We give glory to Him.
With love in Christ, your brother Victor"