About Us

After collaborating with READ Ministries since 2005, I can wholeheartedly say this ministry is a huge blessing to the whole Zaporozhye region.
For Christians who came to faith when Ukraine was part of the Soviet empire, Christian literature was a luxury beyond reach. We heard that in the West, Bibles and Christian books could be bought at a bookstore. This was unimaginable to us since our bookstores only stocked communist literature. In 1991 God bestowed freedom on Ukraine. People were seeking truth. Christian literature came into unprecedented demand. I remember in 1992, for the first time in my life, I saw a Bible on a bookstore shelf. The feelings are impossible to convey. I rejoiced, and at the same time, there were tears in my eyes. God has performed a great thing in my country. In spite of the new freedom, Christian literature was in short supply, and Christians sought every opportunity to acquire literature to meet people's needs. At a time when I had begun studies at a Bible college in Zaporozhye, I found myself at a conference conducted by READ Ministries, where I was given a set of books for a pastor's library. Later, thanks to the partnership of READ Ministries, that Bible college (now a seminary) launched a training program for church librarians.
After collaborating with READ Ministries since 2005, I can wholeheartedly say this ministry is a huge blessing to the whole Zaporozhye region. Visiting churches throughout the region, I see Christian libraries established with READ Ministries' help and brothers and sisters equipped by this program using their training to nurture, counsel, and disciple others in their churches.
I am grateful to God for the service of READ Ministries and that I can be a part of this work. I hope READ Ministries will continue the work begun in Ukraine for many years to come!
Volodya Degtyaryov, Director, Zaporozhye Seminary

We did not have many Christian books during the time of the Soviet Union. Now God is giving His blessings through you in Ukraine!
Thank you very much for your help in the development of READ Ministries in the churches of our region.
Thanks for your support of our pastors through your library projects. This is a necessary help for them in their ministries in churches in our Poltava region and for all the ministries of the churches. With your help we understand God’s Word more. We did not have many Christian books during the time of the Soviet Union. Now God is giving His blessings through you in Ukraine!
We pray for you and we trust God to bless you in this ministry.
Valery Antonuk, General Secretary, Union of Evangelical Christian-Baptists in Ukraine

I praise the Lord for all the efforts you make to provide books for pastors in Ukraine.
I am very much excited about your library project.
For all the years of communism, believers were deprived of any theological resources. This was done to knock out the spiritual sword from their hands. When my grandfather was arrested by KGB, they made sure that his theological library would be burned—they knew that Christian books would undermine their efforts to corrupt people in USSR and to destroy the Lord's kingdom.
And now READ Ministries provides pastors with libraries which not only will help to enrich their spiritual life but will also enhance their ministries and will take them to a new level of maturity and faithfulness to the Scripture. I do not know any other ministry which is like READ Ministries, so faithful to provide theological resources to churches and their pastors in Ukraine.
Sincerely in Him,
Anatoly Prokopchuk, Founder, Kiev Theological Seminary

READ is a wonderful ministry to provide our pastors and churches with spiritual libraries.
I believe that the Lord will bless this ministry. Our pastors as well as churches have a great need for spiritual literature.
I am very glad that you organized READ Ministries and are going to help our pastors and churches. May the Lord abundantly bless all your efforts and help you in everything. I pray for this project. God’s richest blessings to you.
In serving Him,
Vladimir Shemchishin, Former President, Odessa Theological Seminary

We commend READ Ministries for the initiative of providing libraries for pastors and churches as well.
It will be wonderful for our pastors in Ukraine to each have a personal library. For so many years, their resources have been so limited. We commend READ Ministries for the initiative of providing libraries for pastors and churches as well.