This request comes from Kremenchuk Evangelical Seminary, a long-time partner of READ, and now in full-time refugee support while continuing to hold seminary classes.
Dear READ Ministries,
I know you have a Board meeting, so I will be very short and to the point - If you are discussing next year's budget, I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider supporting some of our next projects. The church is providing funds for each project, and we list the amounts of remaining support needed.
- A Conference for Ministers. We would like to hold a seminar for our seminary graduates and students in June or October and provide literature to help in our work with refugees, war victims, and other pastoral care literature. $6000 needed.
- Christmas Holidays for Children. "The Light of Christmas Destroys Darkness." We plan to organize three events for a total of 250 different-age children from low-income families and those displaced. We would like to provide gifts and sweets for the children their families do not have money for. $2500 needed
- Children's Winter Three-Day Camp. January 4-6, 2023, for ages 8-15, 100-120 children expected. $3000 needed.
- Fuel For Generators. We are thankful to God for READ and for the opportunity to purchase generators. One hour of generator operation costs $10. Even saving as much as possible and including intermittently, we have a fuel cost of $60-80 per day. (Thank goodness the government is rebuilding some energy infrastructure and turning the lights on periodically). We would ask, if possible, to support the seminary during the winter (December-March) and help pay for fuel for the generators. This would allow us to provide heat and light for the refugees who live in the seminary, as well as allow us to continue our humanitarian ministry and training of seminary students. We need a minimum of $2000 a month.
- We also continue to work with refugees in our city and distribute at least 400 food kits weekly. The total cost per week is usually $2500-3000. A month's total is $10,000-12,000. Sometimes we get good from some organizations, but this happens less and less every month. We have the resources to continue this ministry until the middle of January. We ask for the provision of some of these resources, too.
Thank you for your love, prayers, partnerships, and support. Greet all our dear brothers and sisters on your Board. Praying for all of you