Tour of Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń
Bill, Dave & Steve were encouraged to tour this renowned Catholic Church located about 30 miles from Turek in Licheń Stary. It is one of the tallest and largest churches in the world (the tower measures over 464 feet, which is about 42 stories). It was a beautiful sight to see - such grandeur.
Ministering to Refugees
In the evening, with the Zigalenko, the travel team visited a group of 50 refugees, primarily women and children, who live together on the second floor of a firehouse in Turek. On the way, we shopped for groceries and gifts for the children. These refugees from different parts of Ukraine now live together in one large room sectioned off with partitions every fifteen beds. Bill, Dave, and Steve introduced themselves, explaining their connection to Ukraine, and shared the Gospel with them. The Zigalenko family provided some worship time and handed out Biblical literature. The evening was a sweet time of fellowship. The Zigalenko family and Spring of Life Church began outreach to this group on Easter and will continue to minister to them. Please pray for encouragement for the church group of refugees and receptive & understanding hearts for the firehouse refugees.