Apr 21, 2023
Greetings, Brother Bill and the entire READ Ministry, Glory be to Jesus Christ, the One who gives life, strength, and protection!
Time passes very quickly. A year and a month as we live in conditions of war.
A special time for our existence because there is One Who is Faithful!
Everything is in His power and will!
We thank Him for His blessings and mercy!
Thank you for being with us! We serve, we work, we rejoice, .......(sometimes we are sad)....but for everything, Thank God!
In the past month and a half, we have helped children and adults. Two exhibitions of reproductions [of the Bible] were opened in churches as an option to announce the Good News to immigrants. An office was opened for the service of chaplains in the military unit.
Thank God for everything!
The church gathers for service regularly. God protects.
We do everything that the Lord entrusts. He supports in trials. Everything will pass, thanks to Him!
Blessings to you all, brothers and sisters!
In Christ's brotherly love, CHURCH OF CHRIST THE SAVIOR in Dnipro and your brother Victor Nikonenko.