June 2017
Over 20 years ago, God began working in the hearts of several Minnesota Christians to begin a ministry producing and distributing Christian literature in a small portion of Ukraine. Initially, we began as a Christian literature arm of The Shepherd’s Foundation. As we continued to expand, we were led to the formation of a new and independent organization, READ Ministries, Inc.
In 2017 we celebrate the 15th anniversary of the incorporation of READ Ministries and the expansion of work beyond Ukraine into Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and throughout many parts of the former Soviet Union. We're excited to host two celebrations this fall. The first on September 28, 2017 at Bethel University in Arden Hills, MN and the second on October 5, 2017 at Calvary Community Church in St. Cloud, MN.
In 2007, our 5th anniversary, we celebrated the expansion of a bookmobile ministry that provided thousands of opportunities for Ukrainians to read Christian books. This ministry led to the development of at least two new evangelical churches. We celebrated the expansion of librarian counselors and pastor’s training in several new Ukrainian oblasts.
Our 10th anniversary in 2012 found READ Ministries at a time of crisis as political events in Ukraine produced chaos and concern casting doubts on READ’s future ministry. But God proved faithful and we moved into electronic distribution of Christian literature through small personal computers and flash drives significantly expanding our area of service beyond Ukraine.
Our last five years have been times of great opportunity. Librarians and pastors continue to receive training and resources. Partnerships with several Bible colleges, seminaries and the Euro Asian Accrediting Association have produced new opportunities for service. Desire for additional distribution of our Print-on-Demand systems continues to grow.
We are awed by what God has done and continues to do. Almost 450 librarian/counselors have been trained and 130,000 books have been distributed to their church libraries, orphanages and prison ministries. Pastors participating in READ sponsored conferences have received 170,000 theological volumes! Almost 200 digital libraries have been distributed as well! God is using faithful Euro-Asian partners to expand His work.
Please plan on joining us on September 28, 2017 at Bethel University or on Oct. 5, 2017 at Calvary Community Church in St. Cloud to help us celebrate 15 years of God's ministry. We are excited and can only imagine what God will do in the next 15 years!
“The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!” Psalms 126:3