Feb 9, 2023
The introduction of this most gracious post is by Bill Arvan.
Yesterday, February 9, 2023, Viktor placed the 500th Christian Literature Kiosk in a public location (usually a public school classroom) in Ukraine! The first such kiosk was placed on January 22, 2016. Praise God for His faithfulness, as well as the faithful service of our dear colleague in Dnipro.
When I reflect on the ministry of Viktor, I recall the words of the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 15:10,
But, by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me did not prove vain;
but I labored even more than all the rest, yet not I, but the grace of God with me.
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Greetings, brother Steve, and with you all who carry the ministry of READ.
I want to testify right away that your sincere and selfless participation in the life of Ukrainians inspires us to do everything possible for the glory of God.
Thank God! Your help is always timely, and today it is also extremely needed.
The country has been at war for about a year now. We had to change and reevaluate many principles of life. But, thank God, the believers who remained continue to be faithful to God! I testify to this! So they need help because now there are many troubles and problems. But God gives strength and everything necessary for witnessing the Gospel.
On February 9, 2023, the 500th Library corner in schools was opened. In the book ministry, your share has always been very important. These 500 libraries have approximately 25,000 copies. The READ service provides a large number of copies, especially for the personal distribution of books. Only 6,000 children received "The Story of One Camel." I believe the Lord knows, but we want to testify about your dedicated work in God's field. For us, you are an example in many matters of faith and service. I am not writing so that you will become arrogant but so that the thanks to the Lord from your hearts will be endless! He trusts you! We value the fact that we can be next to you in life and in service! I write from a pure heart!
Greetings from the Church! Blessings In brotherly love, Viktor Nikonenko. Dnipro, Ukraine.