June 4, 2023, Spring of Life Church in Kremenchuk, Ukraine. An excerpt from the 2023 Spring Ukraine Trip.
Here is a gem!
Our brothers Bill Arvan and Steve Eckert shared in this church service. The service was two hours long.
**At 15 minutes in, Bill greeted the congregation and shared from Philippians 2:25. "Your people are our people. Your God is our God".
**At 1:00, Steve shares the gift of music about God's Amazing Grace. Beautiful.
**At 1:12, Bill is presented with a **Lifetime Achievement Award** from Valerii Antoniuk, President of the Ukrainian Baptist Union! Though it is not translated, it is touching. Bill did not know anything about this presentation.
We praise God for the opportunity these brothers, who have a strong passion for the Mission of READ Ministries and a love for their Ukrainian brothers, have been protected and blessed and were able to share in this time of worship.