Dear READ Friends and Supporters,
Please continue to pray with us for our Ukrainian friends as they face unimaginable heartless violence at the hands of the Russian troops.
Because of war and displacement, the ministry life of our partners looks different. They are now in survival mode; homeless, jobless, and some serving others day and night. This fact doesn’t change the need to continue supporting them - only that the support is now a cash resource that helps them meet different needs. We see our work pivoting from theological famine relief to wartime famine relief. And we do not know for how long this will go on.
But, we know God is Sovereign, and it is God’s providence that some of our partners live and work near crossing points on the Dnieper River - as these partners are devoted to serving those displaced, showing compassion in the name of Jesus. Seed-sowing Kingdom work and Gospel advancements happen when the sojourners receive rest and nourishment as they flee to safety. Apart from the tangible humanitarian aid, money on hand enables our partners to pay for gas, medications, housing, and heat and lights in churches and schools that are not usually open 24/7.
Let us explain how your support is helping our partners in Ukraine.
Recipients of Aid from READ’s Ukraine Relief Fund:
- READ’s internally displaced partners who seek safer places in western Ukraine.
- Partners who have not fled but minister to others on the move. Schools, seminaries, and churches have become stopping stations and safe havens for internally displaced people (IDPs) moving westward seeking safety.
- Partner Bible Schools in western Ukraine that are not in immediate danger and serve as oases for IDPs fleeing to safety.
- Partners (mostly women & children) who have fled from Ukraine and have settled in nearby European countries need support. They live as refugees and are separated from their husbands and fathers.
Please continue to pray with us:
- Pray for strength and boldness in the face of danger.
- Pray for peace in the face of war, and faith in the face of fear.
- Pray for strength and endurance - the journey is long.
- Pray that the Lord will use for good what the enemy intends for evil; that the Church will be emboldened to make the Gospel known.
- Pray for God’s divine cover as our friends move people to the border and Western cities, and bring food and daily necessities back to the places of refuge.
- Pray for the end of hostilities and that peace would come to Ukraine.
As you consider what God is urging you to do, thank you for manifesting the love of Christ through your gifts to meet physical and spiritual needs.
On behalf of our partners and friends in Ukraine, we are so grateful for your prayers, partnership, and generosity!
~ READ Leadership
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