Feb 20, 2023
From Pastor Viktor in Dnipro. Viktor always brings a smile to our faces and touches our hearts.
Praise God for such a devoted partner of READ!
Господь благословляє та підтримує нас через Служіння READ! Так, у зимні місяці оплата за комунальні послуги дуже великі. Людям важко. Ви допомогли 22-м родинам у оплаті за газ, електрику та воду. Допомога у розмірі 2000 грн кожній оселі. Це суттєва та своєчасна допомога. Дяка Богу за вас.
The Lord blesses and sustains us through the Ministry of READ! Yes, utility bills are very high in the winter months. It's hard for people. You helped 22 families pay for gas, electricity and water. Assistance in the amount of UAH 2,000 per household. This is a significant and timely help. Thank God for you.
Viktor also sent pictures of some who have been helped this winter. It seems they are all saying "Thank you, READ Ministries" with the help of READ signs.