1/24/24 - An update from the Missionary Training Center at Kremenchug Evangelical Seminary,
3rd Session, Team Building 2024
"If one didn't make it - the whole team didn't make it" - the slogan under which the session was held.
The third session was not just about theoretical understanding of teamwork but also about its practical application. This was because each student is a part of his church, in which he will continue serving in a team. The session aimed to equip the students with the necessary skills and mindset to effectively contribute to their church teams.
The Church of the Annunciation of Christ in New Sanzhar hosted students for a week, providing an excellent opportunity for the School of Discipleship and Evangelism students to study, serve, and be formed. The week was filled with various practical tasks for students to work as a team.

These were the elements that were practiced during the session:
- to be constantly together
- support each other in prayer,
- to help the team and each other in the team
- to see the needs of others
Now, the students have a task and a challenge - to practice the acquired skills in their churches.

Best Regards,
Stanislav Chernyayev