One of READ's URF recipients recently shared a photo of a generator that was purchased and delivered, with funds sent to the Baptist Union of Cherkasy oblast.
In the photo shown, the generator was delivered to a small church in the village of Velyka Sevastyanivka, located in the district of Umansky, which is in the western area of the Cherkasy oblast in central Ukraine.
We ask our partners to let us know, whenever possible, how the relief funds have been used. Ihor Skrypnyk, the Executive Pastor of the Baptist Union Churches, shared the photo showing the church, their house of prayer, and the new READ-funded generator. Ihor reports that 36,000 UAH (Hryvna) was used to purchase it. This equals about $990 USD.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support to our Ukraine Relief Fund. This allows us to continue our ministry of Resourcing Evangelism and Discipleship and at the same help our partners help their community with physical needs as they all face winter in war-time.