In April of 2018, our brother Vladimir Degtyaryov visited areas in Minnesota and Nebraska at the invitation of READ board members. After attending a directors meeting, Vladimir was wholeheartedly invited to join READ's leadership team. He enthusiastically accepted - for which we are grateful and praise the Lord!
Here is some biographical information about our newest board member:
Vladimir lives in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. He and his late wife, Inga, have two adult children.
They became Christians in Soviet times, baptized in 1983. In 1992 Vladimir was appointed and later ordained to pastoral ministry in a Baptist church in Zaporizhzhia.
In 2001 he became a full-time teacher of Systematic Theology at Zaporozhye Bible College and Seminary (ZBCS). From May 2006 till now, Vladimir has been President of ZBCS.
Vladimir is a graduate of Zaporozhye Bible College, Ukraine (BA), Columbia International University, SC (MA in Bible), and Summit University (Baptist Bible Seminary), PA (D.Min.). He is also on the board of the Euro-Asian Accrediting Association of Evangelical Schools (EAAA).
Vladimir speaks about his experience with READ and what it means to Christian leaders in Zaporizhzhya Oblast, Ukraine.