10/4/22 - 10/18/22 Poland, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan Travel
Family & Friends,
It has been a full and meaningful 7 days of travel and ministry. We have seen some historic parts of Western Ukraine and met some beautiful people in a small village called Yarmolyntsi. Our host Vova and his wife, Oksana, are gifted shepherds of their flock at the Yarmlyntsi Baptist Church (YBC). Vova was in one of the first READ-supported classes offered to train men and women to provide good books and spiritual guidance in their churches.
We had about 65 people join us for our Saturday seminar in Yarmolyntsi called “Books in the Life of God’s Servant.” The conference was filled with men, women, and young people. We had so many engaging conversations during our day and gave away 60 book boxes to ministry leaders.
Sunday, we were back at YBC, sharing in the worship service with a vibrant and healthy church body. When Vova arrived in this church some years ago, there were only older people. Today, they provide good care for the more senior saints and have added many young families. What a blessing to share in ministry with these dedicated Ukrainian brothers and sisters.
One of the best ways to follow what is happening at READ is to read the blog posts on our website (readministries.org/news). We have created many posts since the war started in Ukraine.
As always, I will attach a few of my favorite pictures from our trip thus far.
We made it safely to Moldova yesterday and are flying today to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Please pray for Ukraine.
With Gratitude,
Steve Eckert, Executive Director
READ Ministries