Since last fall, READ and one of our Ukrainian partners, Tavrisk’y Christian Institute (TCI), have been working together with Publish4All (P4A), a ministry of Bethany Fellowship in Bloomington, Minnesota, to deploy a P4A print-on-demand system (POD) in Ukraine.

Earlier in the year, this 900 pound system was sent to Ukraine with our prayers that it would make it without damage and get through Ukrainian customs without delay or exorbitant fees being demanded by customs officers. By God’s grace, this POD arrived at its final destination in Kherson, Ukraine near the end of February. TCI’s director, Valentine Siniy, sent us the following encouraging report:
During the past Advent season we shared with you about the printing workstations project. The printing equipment is able to help the Christians in some countries of the Caucasus and Middle Asia to fill in the absence of Christian literature. To be honest, we didn't expect so many people to be willing to participate in the project and that God will bless us to fulfill the first stage of it so quickly.
We'd like to share with you about it. Within the month after our first email, we managed to collect the amount big enough to purchase the first set of the equipment. During the following 2-3 weeks, we managed to get it sent to Ukraine, to have it cleared by customs, and delivered to Kherson!
We want to thank all of you for your prayer and financial support in this project! We keep praying about fulfilling the next steps of it in Central Asia and the Caucasus. These are the regions where there is limited access to Christian education and a big need in Christian literature. We are humble and thankful to God for all this!
Since receiving this report, an expert from Publish4All arrived in Kherson and has been training the staff at TCI in how to use this God-provided POD system. And, the expert is originally from Ukraine and speaks Russian!

Your support of READ has helped make this cutting edge technology available at this critical time for Christian literature publishing and distribution in war-torn Ukraine and beyond.
Thank you!