In the midst of war, it is refreshing to receive a note that brings us back to READ's mission of providing good theological books to the men and women who fight theological famine so they may teach the Gospel and disciple others!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Here is a short but gracious note from Odesa Theological Seminary, Odesa, Ukraine.
THANK YOU for the books for our graduates. Several days ago, we had a graduation ceremony for some of our students. For the presents, each one of them got a set of good books. Thank you. They were very glad and happy.
All the best to you,
Tanya, Secretary, OTS
Below are images of grateful graduates of holding a "bouquet of books" for their theological libraries, gifted to them by READ upon completing their theological studies. The books were delivered by our Kremenchuk READ staff team, Alexander Zigalenko, and Andrii Zigalenko.
Brothers Alex and Andrii coordinate the ordering and gathering of books into our book depository (a rented space on the KES campus). Then, they distribute sets of books to the qualifying recipients from Bible schools and Seminaries in Ukraine and possibly Moldova.