READs mission of Resourcing Evangelism And Discipleship does continue even in the middle of the war. These dedicated ministry leaders find a way to keep serving.
In Ukrainian translated to English, this is a brief note from our READ staff and ministry partner at Kremenchuk Evangelical Seminary. A few edits were made to help read
and understand the message.
Please continue to pray for strength, peace, victory, freedom, warmth, and electricity for this team, who works to advance the good news of Jesus through good books
and meeting the physical and spiritual needs of refugees and pastors!
"Greetings, dear brothers Steve and Bill! Blessings to you from the Lord Jesus Christ!
A few news:
1. Had a conversation with Pastor Salfetnikov from Balakleya. He is now at home and working in his church. Renovate the building, and help local people. The building was damaged; there were no windows, and the roof was damaged. All property inside was looted. Also need to buy firewood for heating in winter.
2. The pastor's house was not damaged, thank God! But he needs treatment and medicines. Sends huge regards to the READ ministry.
3. Spoke with Vitaly. He is ready for you to send 20.0 books to North Carolina. Next week he will broadcast here in Ukraine. (This statement is in code).
4. Started informing partners about the READ Summit on the dates we have planned. All sent gifts from READ.
5. Discussed holding a pastoral conference in Chernivtsi; now we are making a schedule.
6. Graduation continues in some seminaries; we give gifts [books] from READ to graduates, and students are very grateful for this.
7. Now, there is a session in the seminary. I teach "Christian Ethics".
Blessings. Alex."