In May 2018, Bill Arvan, representing READ Ministries, spent three days in Moldova at the invitation of Dumitry Sevastian, the current acting Academic Dean of the University of Divine Grace (UDG) in Chisinau, Moldova.
Beginning with a handful of students in 1998, UDG has grown into a four-year college with over 500 students, 1200 graduates, and several extension campuses in Central Asia. The foci of their training are Theology, Social Work, and Missions. Many of their students come from the poorest countries in Eurasia and from countries where religious persecution is strong.
When Bill visited Hope Bible Institute earlier this year, he shared: “The sign at the entrance to the property in rural Moldova said Speranza, which is the Romanian word for hope. It was a fitting word to describe the place, because most who enter there do not have any hope. The ministry of this three-year Bible school targets teenage Moldovan orphans who have been discharged from their orphanages, or teens who come from dysfunctional families where parents or relatives no longer care for them. Without the necessary life-skills, most such teens will end up selling their bodies on the streets or trying to make a living at the end of a gun or knife. They really have no hope.”
Hope Bible Institute has become an oasis of Christian compassion, care, and training for 36 at-risk Moldovan teens. Here the Bible is taught, life-skills are developed, and all students are taught a trade. But their small library is totally inadequate. Most of the books are in English. Unfortunately, these teens do not function in English, but Romanian! So, READ has made a commitment to provide $3,000 to this ministry for much needed textbooks and other resources to assist in the evangelism and discipleship of these hungry-for-hope Moldovan young people.
Please share a year-end gift with READ to help us meet our $3,000 pledge to help keep hope alive in Moldova, READ’s 8th ministry field.
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