Below is a current list of our partners in the field that we have been able to send funds to safely and quickly. The cash funds allow them to purchase gas for vehicles that take displaced people to safer locations west and bring supplies back. It helps light and heat churches, schools, and campuses that have become safe havens to internally displaced people (IDPs) that are open 24/7. It provides lodging for refugees in Poland, offers encouraging Christian books for families and children, and buys medications.
- Tavrisky Christian Institute
- Khmelnytskyi Regional Bible College
- Church of Christ the Saviour
- Kremenchuk Evangelical Seminary
- Zaporizhzhya Bible Seminary
- God's Design Church in Kyiv
- Rivne Regional Bible College
- Kremenchuk Refugees in Poland
We receive some reports from calls and texts to our Foreign Projects Coordinator, Bill Arvan. Our partners are eight hours ahead of us, so these communications are often from 2-4 am. When he speaks to them, he is faithful to encourage them and let them know of all the prayers and support from our READ family. He also asks the best ways to help with our URF resources, so we can continue to send the help for the greatest needs.
We are grateful to our READ supporters and our Leadership. We will "stay in the game" as we all work together in this critical time for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine.