January 24, 2023
We praise the Lord for updates like this, where we see the hand of the Lord at work in the middle of disaster.
We thank you for all of your support and ask for prayer - for the continued advancement of God's Kingdom, for the faith and discipleship of these new believers, and safety of our partners.
Dear brothers Steve and Bill, greetings! Thank you for your shared service!
This weekend the academic dean of the Kremenchuk Evangelical Seminary (КES), Andrii Zigalenko, and I visited the Light of the Gospel Church in the city of Balakliya with humanitarian aid. On the basis of this church, a branch of the seminary worked for two years, where a large group of students studied. There were two sessions left before the end of the program ...
Unfortunately, on February 24, the war with Russia began and three days later the city [of Balakliya] was occupied. Most of the believers evacuated. The rest gathered for some time in the house of prayer. But soon the invaders came and took the premises, and the pastor was arrested. He had to go through torture and humiliation, but he remained faithful to the Lord. God miraculously saved his life.
In September, Balakleya was liberated by Ukrainian troops. Life began, services resumed in the house of prayer. Work began with unbelievers - help with food, clothing, and repair of destroyed houses. This immediately resonated in the hearts of people and many came to the church.
The seminary staff were at the service on Sunday and rejoiced - a full hall of people, of which 80% were unbelievers. They listened attentively to the testimony and sermons, sang and talked together. At the end there was a call to repentance and four people decided to give their hearts to the Lord!
We continue to pray for this church so that in this difficult time, it will truly be the “Light of the Gospel”.
We pray and believe that the time will come and the KES branch will work again in this church and the walls will be filled with youth and students!
With consideration,
Alexander Zigalenko,
Director of Book Ministry "Biblical Department"