Maxim, is one of READ’s most outstanding Church Library Ministry professors at ZBS. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Maxim heads up the ministry to Children and Youth of the Baptist Union churches in the Zaporizhzhya oblast.
These days, he coordinates the humanitarian response still being carried our by ZBS and other local churches in their city.
Dear brother Bill and friends,
My family and I are very grateful for praying and worrying about us. During this period of hostilities, you really look at the values in your life in a different way. Every day you say thank you to God for all that seemed ordinary every day, water, bread, clothes, and everything that was taken for granted.
On the third night I go outside and look at the sky and God shows a clear, starry sky, you look and ask God to let such a sky be over the whole of Ukraine.
Thank you again for your prayers and physical support.
Every day there is a huge work that we do:the church feeds the military who are defending the city, distributes food packages for families who now have financial difficulties, conduct children's programs for children and help spiritually and psychologically during this wartime period, accepts refugees from Mariupol, Enorgadar and other cities where the occupants have done their evil deed.
Thank you for the first books, they helped us a lot during this period. I can still accept 5,000 books so more people can get help.
God bless you,