This summer update comes from Volodymyr, with Khmelnitsky Baptist Union. He serves churches in the Khmelnitsky region.
Greetings, brothers, and sisters.
I want to tell you about our ministry.
Women's camp on the Dniester River.
From July 22 to 26, my wife and I helped in a women's camp on the Dniester River. Women and children from the entire Khmelnytsky region were gathered here. The women's committee of the Khmelnytsky region organized this camp, and we were called to help in its implementation. I preached, served in transport, was responsible for the sound, and played the guitar. My wife, Oksana, was responsible for one of the women's groups. There were about 90 women and children in total. On the last evening, one of the women prayed a prayer of repentance.
Serving refugees.
We continue to serve refugees. 35 people lived in the house of prayer, but we help them find work and housing. God blessed Olga and her family, they found a home in Yarmolintsy, which seemed unreal, but for God, everything is real. Thank God!
Another family, Igor, Maria, and 4 children, also moved into their home last week. Igor found a job in one village and found a house there. We helped them get settled, mowed the grass in the yard, painted the door, bought the necessary things, and I took them there. And last week, one of the sons had a birthday, so we congratulated him on the day.
We maintain friendly relations with them and are ready to help if necessary but encourage them to take responsibility for their lives. That is why 25 refugees are currently living in the house of prayer.
We hear about the evacuation of all people from the Donetsk region and are preparing for another wave of displaced people.
Recently, Stanislav, a grandfather who lives in the house of prayer with his wife, repented. From the very beginning, he listened very carefully to the Word of God and regularly attended morning and evening meetings. He and his wife read the Bible, he began to pray. And recently, he prayed a prayer of repentance and testified to everyone about his faith. That is why we are preparing for baptism. If the Lord allows, we are planning a baptism in Yarmolyntsi on August 28.
The Sports Festival was held at the city stadium. There was a program for children every morning from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. They played games, sang, jumped on a trampoline, and listened to Bible lessons. And in the evenings, there were programs for teenagers, young people, and their parents. 250-500 were served.
For the sports fest, we prayed for safety, every day you can hear air danger sirens (we will stop the program if this happens; we really want the sirens not to disturb us during the program), for open hearts of people to the Gospel, and strength for the team.
Home for the elderly.
I have long had a great desire to organize a nursing home in Yarmolyntsi. I see a need for it, especially now. Young people will be able to earn money for housing, and pensioners and disabled people whose homes have been destroyed have nowhere to go. We currently have 7 such people living in the house of prayer. Another elderly woman from a neighboring church has been asking us to take her in for a long time because her children and grandchildren abuse alcohol, beat her, and take her money.
Not far from the house of prayer, I found a house that could be converted into a nursing home. It costs 60,000 dollars, and funds will still be needed for repairs and furnishing. We will be able to donate part of the funds from our local church, but we do not have all the funds yet. Now we pray that the Lord will show His will, whether this is exactly what He wants and whether the time is right for it.
Bible College.
Before the war, we had Bible studies in the house of prayer. But with the beginning of the war, with all the changes, with the reception of refugees, training was suspended. From the fall, we want to continue training for the faculty of church service together with the Kyiv Theological Seminary and start the faculty-church librarian training together with READ Ministries.
We thank God for:
- God's help in conducting the women's camp
- Repentance of Stanislav and Iryna
- God's help in finding housing and work for the family of Olga and Maria
- A minibus that helps a lot in ministry
- For the team of brothers and sisters who help in the ministry
- Sports festival – weather, safety, open hearts of people for the Gospel, strength for the team.
Please pray for:
- For God's guidance in the matter of purchasing premises and organizing a nursing home.
- For housing and work for refugees. So that we can be ready to serve when there is a new wave of refugees.
- For teaching the faculty of church service and the faculty of the church librarian.
- For peace in Ukraine.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
With God.