4/6/2023 - We received an update from Vlad from Kremenchug (KES Missionary Training Center)for the month of March. He tells a full and touching story.
Dear friends!
In March, I made five trips to frontline Cities and villages. Twice we visited a church in the city of Mykolaiv, where 200 people came each time. In the beginning of the meeting, I preached about Christ, after that we handed out aid with food packages and bread. Mykolayiv is no longer so close to the front, but people there remain with destroyed homes, many have lost their jobs, and they are in need of humanitarian aid.
Two trips we made to the Donetsk region. I continue to serve with the local pastor of the city of Sloviansk. Usually, we go to the residential district of the City, where people are waiting for us. They surround our van. I stand on the steps and share the Gospel with them, after that I offer to pray for them and their City. It is especially valuable for them that we bring 200 loaves of bread, and each person receives one. Since many stores are closed in those cities, the front is 30 km away, bakeries do not work there, and bread costs three times more than in our region. Three days after my visit, a Russian rocket strikes the center of Sloviansk, killing several people.
I also delivered two hundred packages to the city of Zaporizhia, to my friend Rostik. I am studying with him in the Missionary Center Training program. He is currently doing an internship there and is engaged in ministry for refugees from the occupied part of the Zaporizhia region. He is going to have several meetings with people to whom he will preach and serve, handing out aid.
Thank you for your financial and prayer support. The war continues in Ukraine, civilians and soldiers die every day. We are glad that we can help people in the frontline areas, and I want to believe that their hearts are more open to Jesus.
Blessings to you!
Sincerely, Vlad.