Expressing Gratitude for Your Continued Support of READ Ministries
We wanted to share a message of appreciation from our friends at Kremenchuk Evangelical Seminary. They held a special Christmas event for those affected by the war, and we were able to contribute by responding to a last-minute request for children's gifts and humanitarian aid to be given to each family.
Thank you for your unwavering support of READ Ministries – it means the world to us and to our partners!
Please pray for the growth of the seeds that were planted.
Dear brothers and sisters at READ,
We are grateful to READ for the financial support to organize a Christmas party for children of military personnel, IDPs, and war victims.
On December 23, 2023, we had four sessions of the performance "In Search of Light" that reminded us that good always triumphs over evil. The total number of participants was just over 800, including 386 children. Everyone received a food package, gifts for children, and a set of Bibles.

Video highlights the very lively and well-received performance: