We shared with you about Pastor Oleg and his new church plant in our 2020 Year in Review.
Pastor Oleg and his family are displaced people from the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Millions had to flee their homes and businesses to move to cities like Kyiv (Kiev).
Bill Arvan, our Foreign Field Coordinator, first met this dear ministry family while in the field in 2008 for a church-leaders conference. He reconnected with them on a later trip and discovered that Pastor Oleg had planted God's Design Church in Kyiv. The theme of this very young body of war-torn refugees and believers is,
"What man intended for evil God intended for good."
This church is serving one hundred men, women, and children; displaced people from the war zone of 2014. READ has supported this body with Christian education tools for their children's ministry and resources for an annual summer camp/retreat where many seekers are invited to explore a relationship with Jesus Christ.
The story of Pastor Oleg and God's Design Church is WHY READ exists.
On March 10 we received a text message with a brief update. Praise God they are still alive and serving others!
Dear Bill,
We are safe. Praise God! Doing ministry. Can you see our video reports on FB?
Yesterday we had about 800 people. We are so tired but very excited.
We received the money. We have bought a lot of medicines for disabled people.
Ksenia for God’s Design Church, Pastor Oleg Larkov,
Kyiv, Ukraine
Each day they post pictures and videos of the days' work on their FB Page. No descriptions are given. The images tell the story.
Visit it here. Follow their page to receive the daily posts.