A heartfelt note from READ partner and Board member, reflecting on Christmas and offering an update on the ministry of ZBS.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023 from students, staff, and faculty at Zaporizhzhya Bible Seminary!
What comes to mind when we hear the word Christmas? A beautiful card, presents, a quiet evening with family and falling snow, peace, joy, life. But in reality, at the time of Jesus' birth, things were different: warfare, occupation, poverty, hunger, cold, refugees, fears, and uncertainty about the future. This is what Ukraine is experiencing today, which is why this Christmas is most reminiscent of the time of Christ's birth.
We here at ZBS are so grateful to all of you, therefore, for your prayers, your support, and your practical involvement in our ministry during this difficult time for us and for all of Ukraine! The seminary continues to function in spite of the proximity of the fighting to our city. There are full-time, part-time, and mixed-mode classes. This is not always easy due to power outages. But, trusting in the Lord, we are doing our best during this most difficult winter in both our personal lives and the history of the seminary. Our branches in Dnipro and in Kremenets, Ternopil oblast, continue to operate also.
So please continue to pray for us during this winter. We need this! Blessings to you and peace in the coming year 2023!
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Volodymyr Degtyaryov
Development Director