4/3/2023 - Update from Kremenchug Evangelical Seminary (KES)
Greetings, READ partner friends!
Thank you for your prayers and support for the ministry in Ukraine.
Another week of proclaiming God's kingdom in the midst of war has passed. But God is our hope!!!!
A little review:
1. Last week, there was a master's session. I got to be with them and lead the class.
2. The students received textbooks for the class and are grateful to READ for this help.
3. Had a meeting with people with disabilities. They really need help, especially during the war. The gospel was preached, and food was distributed.
4. We continue to meet with refugees, telling them about Christ as Savior.
5. Easter Sparrows books were sent out to all the partners.
6. We also received these books in Kremenchug and are preparing for the children's Easter meetings.
7. Thanks are coming in from the pastors who have received the libraries.
We serve, we shine, we salt.
Thank you, and blessings to you. Alex.