With a financial gift sent to Cherkassy Baptist Union was this note, including a request to share with us in general terms how God directed their brotherhood to distribute the funds, to give us a better understanding of their needs. You will see this is a much different kind of accounting than would normally be expected from one of our ministry partners.
"In the time of the apostles, when churches in one cultural context offered support to churches in another context, the gifts were laid at the feet of the elders/leaders to use as God directed them to meet the needs of the saints for whom they were responsible before God. READ wishes to follow this example in sharing gifts from our churches with your churches. We pray, as Paul requested in Acts 15, that these gifts would be protected from evil men and be acceptable to the saints in Cherkassy region. ~ With warmest regards..." The amount of the hryvnias [grivna, Ukrainian currency] has been omitted.
Received from Read Ministries, ₴ hryvnias.
I sent hryvnias to the church in the village of Buzivka to buy fuel. Several buses travel daily to Kyiv region. They carry food. People are being evacuated on the way back.
I sent hryvnias to the Church of the Gospel in Cherkasy to buy fuel. They go to the Luhansk region. They carry food. People are being evacuated on the way back.
I sent hryvnias to the First Baptist Church in Cherkasy. With these funds, they will buy food kits for migrants and the poor. I sent hryvnias responsible for women's service in the Cherkasy region. She will buy food for the poor.
I sent hryvnias to the church of the village of Bosivka. They will buy medicines and food for migrants.
Thank you very much for your donation!