READ Ministries not only supplies theological resources in support of effective Christian ministries in Eurasia, but we also provide for the immediate physical and spiritual needs of those we serve in Ukraine. In the face of growing challenges in this war-torn area, We Press On.
We have planned an evening of good chef-prepared, authentic Ukrainian food; music ministry by gifted American missionaries serving on the front lines of the war in Ukraine, as well as by our Ukrainian ministry partners who will be our special guests; and a multi-media review of our 20 years of ministry; and sharing of the vision to continue in Theological Famine Relief and Trauma Care Training in post-war Ukraine and its surrounding nations. We are praying for an enjoyable, informative, inspiring, God-honoring evening! We want as many as possible to experience this memorable evening with us.
Thursday, October 26, 2023 @ 6 PM
St. Katherine Ukrainian Orthodox Church
1600 West County Hwy 96, Arden Hills, MN 55112
If you are planning to attend but have not registered, please do so soon!
If you are planning to attend but do not want to drive to Arden Hills, we have a shuttle service available for you!
If you know of others who have an interest in READ and Ukraine, please share this with them.
Please pray for God's blessing on this event!
Registration Deadline: Friday, October 20.