2024 Fall Travel

2024 Fall Field Work

Steve Eckert, Bill Arvan, Volodya Degtyaryov, David Melin, Rachel Anderson, and Elliot Christen-Kopp are set to depart for Ukraine on Sunday, September 29, at 9:30 PM. Meanwhile, Josh Tokar will be traveling on September 25 and is expected to arrive in Kyiv on the 27th.

Once on the ground, they will be joined by the Foreign READ Team, consisting of Alexander Zigalenko, Ivan Ovcharenko, and Andrii Zigalenko.

We truly appreciate your prayers and support as we send this team into the field.

Cover Them In Prayer

In Him we have placed our hope that He will yet again deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. 2 Cor 1:10,11

  • For the Team to be confident in the mission they have been sent to fulfill.
  • For safety in all travel (by plane, train, and car), particularly at border crossings.
  • For good health, minimal fatigue, and restorative rest for everyone.
  • For emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual strength, fostering goodwill among the team throughout the long days and nights.
  • For successful conferences, from planning to participation to processing.
  • For meaningful connections with potential partners.
  • May God be glorified in every encounter and situation.

Follow Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

  • Sept 27-28: Josh Tokar, Alexander Zigalenko, and Ivan Ovcharenko will attend the Ukrainian Baptist Union Pastors Conference in Kyiv, bringing greetings from Executive Director Steve Eckert and distributing trauma books.
  • Sept 29-Oct 2: The team travels to Kremenchuk via Amsterdam and Krakow, Poland.
  • Oct 3-4: READ Partner Summit * at Kremenchuk Evangelical Seminary (KES).
  • Oct 5: READ's Books in the Life of God's Servant * Ministry Leaders Conference at KES, followed by travel to Kyiv.
  • Oct 6: Visit God's Design Church in Kyiv; dinner with Tavrisky Christian Institute friends.
  • Oct 7-8: Meetings with partners in Kyiv.
  • Oct 9: Travel back to Kremenchuk.
  • Oct 10: Rest day and board meetings.
  • Oct 11: Preparation for KES 30th Anniversary Celebration.
  • Oct 12: KES 30th Anniversary Celebration.
  • Oct 13: Speak at Spring of Life Church (KES) and travel to Rivne.
  • Oct 14: Team travels to Lviv for the Ukrainian Baptist Union Women's Conference; Josh departs for Wroclaw, Poland.
  • Oct 15: Team travels to Krakow; Josh flies back to Indianapolis.
  • Oct 16: READ Team travels to Amsterdam and then back home.

* The READ Partner Summit is an occasion for us to come together with all our partners, allowing them to connect and share insights about life and ministry. During this gathering, we aim to uplift and motivate them while discussing and assessing the utilization of funding. Additionally, this summit serves as a chance to understand our partners' future needs through the Proposal for Ministry Partnership (PMP), which is essential for budget planning for the upcoming year.

* Christian literature resources are a critical part for effective ministry work in spreading the Gospel. The Books in the LIfe of God's Servant conference provides tools and training for pastors and ministry leaders from Bible-believing, Christ-following Churches. Each participant is gifted with a 20-volume set of essential theological books for their personal library.

Stay Tuned for Updates.
