Hello READ Friends,
It is that time of year when work happens in the field as we send a team to Ukraine. Travelers for our Spring 2023 trip are staff: Steve Eckert and Bill Arvan, joined by David Melin, one of READ's board members. They are excited about this trip and will hit the ground running. Follow along with the map and itinerary below as they make numerous stops for one-on-one visits with most of our Ukrainian partners, participate in the "Books in the Life of God's Servant" conference, and joyously attend a Kremenchuk Evangelical Seminary graduation.
We also ask for your prayers for the team as they travel. We have listed some prayer points below.
For your convenience, the map/itinerary is actually downloadable for printing to use as a reminder to pray.
Updates from the field will be shared on FB and IG as they are received. You can follow us on FB and IG at the links below.
We are so grateful for your friendship, prayers, and support as we continue our mission of Fueling Faith by providing theological resources and support for theological famine and war relief. We thank God for His mercy and grace as we see His hand in our work in obedience to Him.